The ADFIAP “Outstanding Development Project Awards” recognize and honor member-banks which have undertaken and/or assisted projects that have created a development impact in their respective countries. Awards are given to members, which in the judgment of the ADFIAP Awards Board, have implemented or enhanced outstanding and innovative development projects during the immediate past year. There are nine (9) categories all in all. These are: human resource development, environmental development, SME development, infrastructure development, technology development, trade development, local economic development, development finance – led poverty reduction, and corporate governance.
The Development Trihedron
It features three interlocking pieces of glass forming a triangle which connotes the three pillars of development:
The Private Sector – which puts up and manages the productive enterprise;
The Development Finance Institutions – which provide the capital for enterprises to grow and prosper; and,
The Government Sector – which provides the enabling environment for development to flourish.