ADFIAP Sustainable Awards

Online Nomination

Nomination Form



Nomination Guidelines

Please select the relevant category entry; fill out the online nomination form with the name of your project and a word synopsis (200-300 words) of the project(s) listed, as well as their development impact and advantages.

You can include supporting resources, such as brochures, films, and images, by uploading or submit them via e-mail in jpeg format. Your project entry(ies) should include those that you completed or improved/enhanced in the year 2022.

A program or scheme which the member institutionally implemented to enhance the professional capacities and career growth of its officers and staff and/or its clients.

An undertaking that has involved the member and/or its clients in minimizing or eradicating environmental risks and/or in promoting environmental due diligence and management practices in their respective institution and/or client operations.

A lending program, facility or scheme developed by the member that assisted and/or provided financing access and technical assistance to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the country

A project, loan program or fund that was designed to develop or improve the strategic and long-term infrastructure facilities in the country.


A project, loan facility or funding made available by the member for the advancement of the technological base, know-how, and innovation in the country.


A project, financing program or facility that assisted the country in developing, promoting, and boosting its trade internationally.


An initiative, program, or facility in a specific area (province, community or village) that was designed and developed to create a favorable environment for business to flourish, to promote their competitiveness, or to create opportunities for new and start-up businesses, be they initiated by external investors or local entrepreneurs.


A program or scheme that used development finance as a tool or instrument to reduce or alleviate poverty in the country.


An undertaking, a program or project developed, instituted, or adopted by the member that advocates, promotes, and sustains good corporate governance practices and ideals.


A program, project or undertaking developed, adopted, and instituted by the member that advances and sustains responsible citizenship for social good.


Nomination Guidelines

Please select the relevant category entry; fill out the online nomination form with the name of your project and a word synopsis (200-300 words) of the project(s) listed, as well as their development impact and advantages.

You can include supporting resources, such as brochures, films, and images, by uploading or submit them via e-mail in jpeg format. Your project entry(ies) should include those that you completed or improved/enhanced in the year 2022.

A program or scheme which the member institutionally implemented to enhance the professional capacities and career growth of its officers and staff and/or its clients.

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An undertaking that has involved the member and/or its clients in minimizing or eradicating environmental risks and/or in promoting environmental due diligence and management practices in their respective institution and/or client operations.

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A lending program, facility or scheme developed by the member that assisted and/or provided financing access and technical assistance to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the country

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A project, loan program or fund that was designed to develop or improve the strategic and long-term infrastructure facilities in the country.

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A project, loan facility or funding made available by the member for the advancement of the technological base, know-how, and innovation in the country.

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A project, financing program or facility that assisted the country in developing, promoting, and boosting its trade internationally.

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An initiative, program, or facility in a specific area (province, community or village) that was designed and developed to create a favorable environment for business to flourish, to promote their competitiveness, or to create opportunities for new and start-up businesses, be they initiated by external investors or local entrepreneurs.

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A program or scheme that used development finance as a tool or instrument to reduce or alleviate poverty in the country.

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An undertaking, a program or project developed, instituted, or adopted by the member that advocates, promotes, and sustains good corporate governance practices and ideals.

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A program, project or undertaking developed, adopted, and instituted by the member that advances and sustains responsible citizenship for social good.

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The “Outstanding CEO Award” is granted to a practicing Chief Executive Officerexceptional leadership, vision, and achievement stands out among the other nominees for the award. The judges will evaluate the individual’s stature, the positive impact that the person’s leadership has had on his or her institution, and the impact his decisions have had on the development banking profession, in particular, and the country’s development, in general, without focusing on the size of the institution.


Nomination Guidelines

Please include a 200 to 300 word summary of the beneficial impact the person’s leadership has had on his or her institution, as well as the influence this leader’s decisions have had on the development banking profession in particular, as well as the country’s overall development. Please see the judging guidelines for more information.


1. Must be nominated (including self-nomination) by an ADFIAP member-institution and/or its subsidiaries, institutional partners of ADFIAP and the Association itself;

2. Must be a practicing CEO of an ADFIAP member institution for at least one year; and,

3. Must prove, through supporting documentation, that his stature, leadership, vision and achievement in managing his institution during the covered year merits the nod of the Awards Board. Weight will be given to the best practice or innovation that the CEO has succeeded in implementing in his respective institution.



The “Distinguished Person Award” is a lifetime achievement award given to a person who has excelled and made a mark in his or her chosen career, nationally and internationally, for outstanding accomplishments in the field of development in general and in the development banking profession in particular.


Nomination Guidelines

Please write a 200 to 300 word explanation of why your nominee deserves this lifetime achievement award, highlighting his or her great accomplishments or achievements in the development field. Please see the judging guidelines for more information.


Must be nominated (including self nomination) by an ADFIAP member-institution and/or its subsidiaries, institutional partners of ADFIAP and the Association itself;

Must have been associated with an ADFIAP member-institution and/or the Association itself for at least one year; and,
Must have, in his or her chosen career, excelled and made a mark in the country or internationally for his or her outstanding accomplishment(s) in the field of development, in general, and in the development banking profession, in particular.


For the Best Sustainability Report Category, all member institutions are invited to send their latest e-copy of Sustainability Report, preferably 2021 or 2022 via c/o John Alianza, Group Head, Business Development & Marketing. Write on the email subject: 2023 ADFIAP Sustainable Development Awards: Best Sustainability Report

For the Best Website Category, all member institutions may nominate their respective institutions website by sending their website’s URL address via c/o John Alianza, Group Head, Business Development & Marketing. Write on the email subject: 2023 ADFIAP Sustainable Development Awards: Best Website